A Short and Sweet example and a word about Gifting:
Here's a gift for you.
Thank You.
You're Welcome.
Now I own you because you owe me.
Fuck that! Here's your "gift" back.
So to be clear, anything that you feel to give to someone "should" be done so entirely without expectation. If you give someone something, and have any variety of strings attached, then it is not truly a gift, rather a tool to use as a manipulative weapon that you're setting yourself up to use when you fall back on a victim mentality at some point in the future. STOP IT, it feels awful all around.
When I happen to give to you, it is done because I truly want to, and I will NEVER expect anything in return, not even a Thank You. It is simply not necessary as I am giving to you in pure freedom, and your receipt of any gift without feeling obligated to reciprocate, is the gratitude I receive for me. BUT that's just me... everyone is different.
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