Rainbow Vortex |
Day 53 ~ 11/22/10
Is it Monday again already? I am seeing spirals EVERYWHERE! From my art, to videos, to designer pancake mix (see yesterday’s blog – Meeting Places), just everywhere! Spirals of creation is what they are. New is constantly being created, and I am being guided into a constant realization of the urgency and importance of honoring Gaia, our precious Mother, as well as our Father. I had a friend asking me to share information about Womb Wisdom, to which the cover art conveniently features another fractal arm of a spiral.
I was reminded this morning from my fun little Message from God on FB ~ On this day, God wants you to know... that your love is a gift to the world. Let your love radiate out to all you meet. Let your love touch the hearts of people you don't even know. Let your love reach to the far corners of the earth. Love is what is saving the world.
It reminded me that Love sees in an infinite amount of ways...not just fluffy red hearts on clouds of pillows, but also in deep, internal, ruthless reflection. As the universe would have it, Love likes to constantly push these boundaries, making sure I am aware of the soft vulnerability that love is, as well as the sharp sword that Love also is.
Blue Light of the Star Family |
I posed a question to a friend on FB that I hung out with some in high school about why boys were so interested in guns. He replied with a very passionate set of opinions, clearly opposite of my viewpoint. While I had a passionate response from a different perception, I noticed I ended up feeling like he was more my brother by taking the time to engage in a passionate debate, exercising our freedom of speech, instead of running away and avoiding any kind of confrontation. No matter what his viewpoints are and if I am in agreement or not, I value him as my brother, showing me where I have room to grow. Below was my response to his position of guns and weapons being necessary. Actually, its long, but here’s the whole conversation, it’s worth looking at all viewpoints, where does your belief system fit in? What would you add to this conversation? :
HIM: Off to … Marine Corp Ball - should be fun... with any luck we'll win the raffle - a semi-automatic weapon...
ME: WHAT is it with you boys and your weapons? My son loves guns too...I can't stand it. What is the attraction???
HIM: If I had a view that anyone who wanted to defend themselves is ununderstable and weird I would be a huge supporter of our military not mocking them. If your son is interested, I would encourage you to teach your son how to shoot correctly,... to make choices responsibly, and that his ability to act the way he wants as an adult is the direct result of other's using guns correctly and responsibly.
That being said, 1) I'm not a boy - I'm a man; if your thing is judging other people's action then I welcome your criticism, I understand we have differences and I respect our disagreements.
However, 2) the right to bear arms (the 2nd amend) was recently reaffirmed to be a civil rights of all Americans and while local and state gov't can create rules for ownership they cannot ban them either literarily or through bureaucratic tricks (which is what Chicago and DC were doing). It is NOT a federal right that is expanded under the Equal Protection or the Privileges or Immunities clauses of the 14th amendment - it is a constitutional right on par with the 1st amendment. This was proven first via DCvHeller(2008) and then by McDonaldvChicago(2010); the cases reviewed the famous Slaughterhouse Cases citied for over a century by anti-gun activist and they overturned them - they found that gun-ownership was indeed, an essential part of maintaining personal and economic freedom particularly for minorities and former slaves/victims of violence. I feel that gun ownership is a necessary (and not just optional) part of civic participation to be able to defend your property and your life particularly since our federal, state, and local gov't are not design to protect the life and property of one individual.
Thus, 3) if you do not understand your rights, that's your option - if you do not feel that owning a weapon would increase your freedom or that it may even diminish your sense of freedom, that's your opinion to think so BUT one cannot separate ones options, ones opinions, and ones freedom from ACTUAL men and women defending your choices with guns - no one understands this concept better than the poor; the rich view gun ownership as a philosophical social issue. Meanwhile, the toughest city gun-ownership laws in the nation mirror the most dangerous and murderous places in the US - who has more death my guns per population- Texas or D.C.? Recently it came out that St. Louis, Detroit and Oakland are among the worst crime ridden cities in the US - no surprise they also find it easier to bully law-abiding citizens into disarming themselves then dealing with criminals who use guns... thus the bumper sticker - when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. NOT in my town, not in my state, and not in my nation - I want peace loving, men and women of conscience to have guns too - I don't want them to be blood thirsty, I want them to use their guns to support law and order, justice. And they do, all throughout this nation.
4) OK, maybe for the police and military but that doesn't mean that every moron in the US gets to have one - well, who are the police and the military if not US citizens protecting each other? The sense of legitimacy they get from the gov't is artificial and created by the gov't for the purpose of expanding gov't powers Private police forces are as effective as public police forces and some military branches, like USMC, were created to defend a population (by warring overseas) even before we had a nation! And so the answer is yes, every moron has to right to exercising their 2nd amend rights the same way they have the right to exercise their 1st amend rights (that is, up until they are found by a jury of their peers to be excising their rights in a manner that is dangerous to others) - the Bill of Rights isn't multiple choices - there is no 1st amend for anyone if only a select few have 2nd amend rights - one cannot champion the 5th amendment then support limits on 4th amendment rights.
5) the Freudian explanation for gun lovers also misses the point that most people who fire a gun to defend themselves are women! Women like my own mother... Freudian psychology has been debunked time and time again but people use what ever argument they feel will prove their point even sometimes.
For me, I'm always shocked that the more people try to pretend they have views that are open and inclusive, the more their views morph into what everyone else should or shouldn't do, or can and cannot do. I cannot think of more fascist cities in the US than San Francisco and NYC but they effectively maintain that they are open to everyone - so long as you think the way they do, I guess its a coincidence they are also the most expensive cities to live in - they don't want the poor there. I'm in support of gun ownership not because I want one but because I want to maintain my option to own one and that means supporting people who are not afraid to use their weapons. Other people having guns actually provides me the option I wanted even without owning one myself. I would think you would get behind that wouldn't you?
HIM: Here's a great summary of the cases I mentioned above from Reason Magazine: http://reason.com/archives/2010/09/13/youve-come-a-long-way-baby
HIM: Here's a video clip of Ted Nugent explaining how he would like to see dead criminals than dead victims: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCHtw6WbbnM
ME: Thank you for your opinions.
ME: Perhaps, though, for one instant, you could PRETEND that there were no such things as guns and weapons. We would find a different way to solve our disagreements. Charging one with a weapon denotes a scarcity mentality and a FEAR based mindset. WE can look at history and clearly see how this has kept the masses in slavery to themselves and their judgments.
I understand that I have judgments about guns - funny, because my dad taught me how to shoot and respect guns. My issue is more about people intentionally hurting other people, or feeling like they must "defend" themselves because they are living in FEAR. Fear is just not understanding the unknown.
There is no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong, just people's personal beliefs about it - which has an effect on mass consciousness.
It is my journey to take responsibility over my perceptions of that which I do not understand. AND this is precisely what I'm doing, that is what makes mature men and women. Boys and girls allow themselves to be herded like sheep and stick to things that aren't working. This is not necessarily a "bad" thing, just an observation. I do not judge other people actions, only my own as a reflection. Your actions allow me to reflect what is unsettled within me, creating the opportunity for me to let go of my mis-perceptions and find balance and peace on any given subject within myself. So for that, I am grateful for you.
When people stay ignorant to what their creator is trying to tell them and go along with what other people tell them to do, then they behave like children, waiting for mom and dad to give them instruction. When people rise up, look deep within themselves and start taking action on what their own truths are, then they can become liberated into maturity and adulthood.
Being vulnerable allows one to understand and react with compassion, and to really "love thy neighbor." I believe that the world does too much "thinking" with the mind, and when we as a collective realize that all of our answers are stored within, we won't need to look outside ourselves for guidance, and then there will really live a society of true men and women.
For now and always, I have complete respect for everyone's opinions, as they are markers of where we are on our own personal journeys, never good or bad, right or wrong.
ME: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UoMXF73j0c Brene Brown on The Price of Invulnerability
ME: http://littlegrandmother.net/Media.aspx Keisha, recognized as Little Grandmother on The New Heart Consciousness
ME: Everyone is always going to be able to find a way to support their own belief systems.
HIS WIFE: This was awesome discourse! I have chills - thank you both for your freedom of speech!
A FRIEND: Nosey me...I agree with both viewpoints, and while hopeful for humanity...I think that not everyone is healthy and balanced...and not everyone’s beliefs considers "the other" in their world, nor do some care to aspire to such growth and have... the introspection within themselves to realize how true Gaiel's perspective is. It's for that reason knowledge about gun safety and protection with such, as a last resort, (not to mention the right to do as I please in my own home without government oversight) is important. Thanks so much for sharing!
Rainbow Mandala 10 |
Whew! After this I was reading about the White River of Holy Desire, always wanting more of God, praying for holy desire as “ the life force, the golden thread that connects you and God.” (pg. 65 The Power of Shakti by Padma Aon Prakasha) I am grateful for passionate people, standing in their truth, holding a space for me to stand in mine. Feeling the passion and desire for life, dancing in prayer with God and all that she is, embracing Mary Magdalene as a divine mother, and understanding a bit more of my connection to the divine mothers and my responsibility to be clear within myself to bring through as much healing energy as I can.
My dreams were intensely crisp, showing me of a time I went exploring our great mother earth. I was with some others who came to a land untouched by humans, all I could do was sit down and bask in the glory and magnificence that were these amazing mountains and valleys in front of me, the crystal clear rivers and lakes, the desert highlands and red rocks, the lush greenery of bushes and evergreens, just the pristine glory of divine creation surrounding me with every breath I exchanged with her. The excitement welled within me as I realized that I had the opportunity to be one of the first to explore the depths of her creation from an entirely different viewpoint. A new spiral of creation.
(Read more about Holy Desire, which was embraced and anchored in unconditional love by Mary Magdalene with Christ Yeshua. pg. 17 The Christ Blueprint by Padma Aon Prakasha)
Flower of Life |
It was completely fitting then, during my ovary breathing that I watched powerful spirals of light sending energy throughout my body. I could clearly feel and see a blockage in my left, feminine ovary. I rest in patience, knowing that I am chipping away at the darkness it is holding, releasing bit by bit, all in perfect design and timing.
With Dakar working so much with all of this magnificent snow we have recently received (about 4 feet in the last 4 days, closer to 7-10 feet on the summit and ski areas), I must find the time to do meditation by myself. During my Oon Rahum breathing that organically turned into running my Shakti circuit and first gate work directly after, I felt as if I was riding waves of energy, snaking my way through spiral, square and triangular tunnels, different types of vortexes swooping me up and wooshing me through, like a giant slide, whee! I continue to pray for the desire of holy connection, feeling it descend into me, gracing me with patience, love and gratitude for my higher self sending me here to earth during this most amazing time to be alive!
Stargate to Atlantis |