Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kids as Teachers

Day 36 ~ 11/5/10

I am discovering that the more I live in the moment, the more “time” becomes irrelevant. Catching up on putting my journal notes into this blog, I feel peaceful and in the moment. The interruptions today haven’t tormented me, they just are a part of the day. Aside from living, there is really nothing else to do.

My daughter is having a sleepover tonight, and I guess it is the natural order of things to watch the older brother torment his younger sister and her friend. He thinks he knows everything, and he thinks he is in charge of everything, can do anything he wants at any time. I can see where this is true, but I also see how my son knows not humility, it serves to show me where I also do not know humility. How do I teach someone humility? How do I teach myself humility? Is it a gift that comes with grace?

Could I possibly put together a type of program that offers classes and meditations designed for children? So that they might grow up with a deeper understanding of themselves from the start?  I know they're out there already, but still not yet in the public mainstream. Listening and watching the kids – they are our true guides and teachers. I am quite sure they would let me know what they need or what they're ready for...

Kid’s quote of the day – Emily to her friend at the sleepover, when it was time to brush their teeth:
“Does your toothpaste have fluoride in it?” Emily asks T
“I don’t know.” says T
“Well fluoride is poison and you shouldn’t use toothpaste with poison in it.” Says Emily. “Right mom? Isn’t fluoride poison?”
I tell her “Well some people don’t believe that.”
She says “Like dentists. Well, they’re wrong. Here T, you can use my toothpaste for tonight. It doesn’t have fluoride in it.”

Kids will absorb anything, what are you teaching your children? Not saying that my way is right for everyone, but the kids will grow up to be like their environment. I did, and so did you. What is working for you that you want to pass on? What would you like to change so that your children have a different environment to grow up in?

Oh man! Who needs to do crunches and sit ups when one has Oon Rahum! Great workout for the physical belly, as well as the spiritual connection at the same time! I absolutely love Hashem, when the sounds fluctuate within me. My song seems to scale from a low, deep octave up to a high pitch, vibrating through my empty head. It’s like my head is an empty vessel and the reverberations are the vehicle taking me along the pathway to the galactic center. Sounds of Sirrus seep out on Hashem, and I can feel the cords of connection from my earth body, seeing the pathway of brilliant light – almost blinding – stretching from the Galactic center, to me and back again. Deep peace.   


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