Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Party Day

Snow forts everywhere!

Day 51 ~ 11/20/10

I am soooo happy for the snow starting! In a very selfish way, I really didn’t feel like driving to Reno with a group of kids, playing laser tag, watching a movie and taking them out to eat. I would have, we discussed this being the plan for my son’s birthday party. However, continuing to nurse a hurt back, and now my whole mid section feels like imploding, I am excited to have all the kids over here for a slumber party for as long as they want.

Old school playing, walking back up the hill after sledding down.

Watching five kids interacting with each other, they have all been friends for year’s, it’s really great to see the differences in them compared to how I grew up as a kid. Honestly, I don’t even remember all the little details of my life growing up, so I really can only compare to the perceptions I have now. I was witness to how they all interact in a group setting, clearly seeing each one’s strengths and vulnerabilities. They had no problems calling each other out, saying what they feel in the moment, crying if necessary, and being more human than most “adults” are! Once again, I bow to the teachings of our children.

I brought home a helium tank and extra balloons that I haven’t sold yet ,and because the kids are all 8-10 yrs old (except my 7 yr old daughter) they could be responsible with the gas. Oh my, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen kids having so much fun with balloons! Blowing them up, letting them go, figuring out how to get them off the ceiling, naming them and creating stories for the balloons, making their hair stand straight up, feeding them to the snow, tying another kid to the chair with the string from his balloon, and letting them go up into our ceiling fan to get pummeled by the blades of the fan, good times, good times!

Pop! Pop! Pop! Goes all the balloons!

The laughter was contagious as they all went back and forth, inside and outside, playing games and sledding in the snow, making up their own games. This is how I remember we used to play, we didn’t have all the modern day distractions. Imagination was our toy. Ha ha ha ~ I sound like an 88 yr old grandmother already!

We made an organic cake, and celebrated with a very minimalist style. Time seems irrelevant and doesn’t mean anything when I think I was ready to give birth 10 years ago. Seems like yesterday, and it also seems like hundreds of years ago.

I did have to keep taking away the ipods that the kids brought and were playing with. There were only two and the intense focus of these kids, glued to the screen – oh boy! I made them sit down and play a board game, and they were like “Man, these questions are hard!” to which I replied “Well, if you didn’t play so many video games and actually paid attention to the world around you, the questions would be easier.” HA! Another grandma comment to the youngin’s! When did 35 get to be so old?

Light beings/orbs joining the snowflakes and party!

 Anyway, they stayed up as late as they could, trying to make it through the night, continuing to get their snow gear on and go outside to torment TOM. Tom is the being that lives in the woods beside our house that likes to play with and scare the little boys and girls – hee hee hee hee hee…..they put flashlights on their guns (yes, guns) and threw snowballs into the dark woods. Way better than dinner and a movie (cheaper for me too!)

Looking for Tom in the woods, orbs are helping.

Dakar has been working himself into exhaustion, but this is the business for that. The only time he can rest is between storms when it’s not snowing and all of his tractors and equipment are running properly. This storm has brought about many breakdowns, hoses blowing, parts seizing up, whatever the issue is. When he came home tonight for his three hours of sleep before setting out again, I asked him if he wanted to do our meditations. He chose sleep instead, consciously deciding that to sleep is what his body needed in that moment. (Which was no excuse for me to not do them, but I chose to have fun with some artwork instead, staying up and keeping an eye on the kids, trying to keep them quiet so Dakar could sleep.)

So a light party day of fun and playing was had by all (we even saved some cake for Dakar).

Kids embracing their shadow selves!

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