Monday, December 27, 2010

Shakti, Expanding and Releasing

Lotus Flower of the Womb

Day 69 ~ 12/08/10         

Shakti runs through me as a clear channel, orgasming into my 1st, 2nd and 3rd gates, watching the 4th gate open up as a lotus flower. I am swimming in the depths of my womb, seeing a channel of soft, floaty wispy-ness entering up through the 4th gate toward 5th, and 6th gates. I gently and orgasmically guide Shakti up and through this cloudy mist, as she rises upward she explodes through the 7th gate, reaching for my heart.

I weep big, surrendering tears and see the golden clouds around my heart open to reveal a new (to me) geometry pattern – a golden red square with knobs on the points, intricate pattern like the top of a Romanesco (Fibonacci spiraled) broccoli head fills the inside of this square. Reaching up through my heart beautiful sounds escape and sings out loud as Shakti reaches my throat and jaw – first a low bass sound up the scale to high pitch sounding - near the top of this scale I stay here and know I have done extensive work with this note before. She sings through me and I stay on this note for some moments. Ceremonial memories abound here, powerful gatherings around sounding as Atlantis fills my consciousness…I look into my 3rd eye and find weight on my masculine side. Gently, I shift myself until I feel balance, knowing that the beautiful dagger had once split my masculine and feminine into separation. I reach up and connect with BA, ushering in a wave of Shakti to her, down through my pineal gland, back to Alta major. I pulse with her wave of energy streaming through me, igniting and sustaining pathways that have been reopened. Questioning yet quiet, I am patient and knowing…and yet, a part of me feels like I am making all of this up…softly surrendering…

Romanesco Broccoli

I can feel Dakar as he drives down the street to leave and come home. How do I become whole and independent so that his energy does not effect/infect me? Circumstances don’t make me, they reveal me. How I respond to the life I am offered is what makes me.

I had a nice releasing talk with my really honest friend who aided me in my dagger transmission (among with so many others). We discussed why I had placed the dagger in my 3rd eye in the first place thousands of years ago during a particular ceremony, keeping myself hidden in shame and guilt, living lifetimes of being wrong, especially around Dakar. I did it so that I would not misuse my power again…Dakar was also present at this ceremony, and I am learning what happened that has brought us together again to heal the wounds we created in both of us.

I couldn’t help but to weep on and off all day, releasing so much. My right shoulder aches more, but feels like a huge weight is dissolving, a big bubble of stored stagnant energy has broken and is leaking energy out through my shoulders. The weight is dispersing and the load becomes lighter.

Tonight after a much appreciated “light” movie, my ovary breath energy was moving through me, warm for the first time. I have only experienced this channel with a cool energy and it feels like every day this circuit is being widened, now with a warm toned light as well.

Our Oon Rahum Malaha meditation tonight leaves me expanding, stretching, reaching beyond the confines of this earth suit. My physical body feels much smaller, there is not enough room for all of me anymore, I have no choice but to breathe in and expand myself.


Rainbow Fingerprint

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