Saturday, October 30, 2010

Amygdala Healing

Day 26  ~10/26/10

Last night I received an Amygdala Healing transmission from a dear friend who is, with his partner, also doing this deep, inner soul work. The transformations I have seen in both of them is nothing short of amazing. It’s like watching an ancient way of being in unity and harmony with the earth, one another and oneself is once again emerging on this planet. There is shadow work to be done, for one cannot see the light without also seeing the darkness. And while some of the work is painful, the emergence of a new, fantastic way of being, is well worth the HONEST effort. My experience of this meditation follows:
Amygdala Healing Transmission

I became aware that I was completely out of energetic alignment during the beginning of this transmission. I felt as if my head was 3 feet to the left of my shoulders, and the rest of my spine was contorted and twisted. In a short time, energy was running smoothly, the crystal waters trickling then flooding down my head and spine. As I became more still, the waves of the transmission took me deeper and deeper within.

An overwhelming sense of emotional compassion for the attachments and detachments I have experienced in my life toward my family, primarily my sisters had me in tears during the Amygdala Healing, realizing how much suffering has taken place, and also how much joy there is to be felt.

I could feel my body in a new and different way. It was as if I was a newborn child, exploring my breath, my arms, legs and body, every cell, every shape, every movement of my being was a conscious exploration of creation.

Diving deep into the shadow spaces of what this healing means for me, I find myself surrounded by a dark energy, but also witness my womb dragon come forth to work with me in understanding and transformation of this darkness, allowing me to be inquisitive without being in so much fear.

This experience of polarities, watching, being the witness to the extremes of both sides, was like creating life and death. In the days following, my dreams held the visions of seemingly perfect buildings crumbling, understanding that these are walls I have built for myself that are no longer required. Destroying or putting to death so that something new can be built or created in its space. (Multi -dimensional beings appeared to me that I have not seen before, and I felt like I was being aided in universally cosmic way.)

Tuning in to feeling what is next in the flow, feeling it, then watching it being created right in front of me, it’s like I don’t even have to speak! My trust in this flow continues to be validated and confirmed as each day goes on, understanding and taking action when it is time, and not trying to force anything. I am amazed at how little effort this takes, leaving plenty of energy to share with my family, not feeling drained or spent.

Thank you Amael, for your commitment and neutrality in conducting this transmission, I did not feel anything that was you, only what was being transmitted through you. I am honored to receive such a shift that helps to clear me of outdated patterns that no longer serve, and this curious awareness that helps me to stay present and in awe of every moment.
Read about some of these healing and transformative transmissions here.

Also, pg. 34 in The Power of Shakti starts a chapter explaining the meaning of the amygdala as the “Heart Chakra of the Brain”.

I am amazed at what art flows through me after a meditation! The picture below is the perfect reflection of my experience of going deeper within the vast space of my Amygdala and what it holds…


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