Saturday, October 30, 2010

Direct Experience

Day  25 ~ 10/25/10

Sometimes I feel as if I don’t even need to speak anymore. All this chatter is just a justification of my mind, trying to make sense out of the life that is beginning to live through me more and more.

In my efforts to dissolve the business into complete nothingness, there are the physical actions of getting rid of the stuff I have left over. A few phone calls and emails later, and I know that this is the right decision because people are scheduling times to come and take the stuff for themselves. NICE! I feel the same energy within me, the same excitement that I had when I was birthing this business (busy-ness) as I do in putting it to death.

I wonder if myself specifically, or society in general would view death differently, as not a scary process to be afraid of, if it was approached in this way? To discuss and really accept the excitement that can be had in the process of dying, and the emotions surrounding death. Then the freedom that comes with not being afraid of dying could be liberating, inviting people to really live and experience their lives while we are all here on earth.

In this current process, I have resolved a relationship with a person who I thought hated me for a decade or more, therefore putting my judgments to rest. Thankfully we were able to get past silly belief systems before it was too late to say sorry, or thank you. What a blessing to have this opportunity, everyday….but too often I don’t take the opportunity to do so.

I wonder though, is it necessary for everyone to experience and know duality? If one does not “know” something through direct experience, does that make their opinions about it invalid? A man knows about childbirth, but may never “know” childbirth. Because I may not have a direct experience with something, does that make me unqualified to speak about it?

My kids are such portals into creating the space to allow us to see how life can be lived in nothing but the truth. They don’t have any judgments on how to react in a “nice” society. I can fully see now how all this judgment is cyclical throughout the generations. It is heartwarming to see teachers and parents doing something about acknowledging consciousness in children, so that they may have the opportunity to grow up without all these layers of modern day pressures.

To see a clip of people making a huge difference, watch this video about Creating Dynamic Development and Harmony in the Classroom
What have you done today to make a difference in your life???

Emily’s quote of the day - Talking about coffee:
“Grammie drinks coffee. Is that why she’s getting so old and crumbly?”

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