Sunday, October 17, 2010

I love Pooping!

I'll spare you this photo...he he he! 

Day 14 ~  10/14/10

It’s amazing how much gas I’m producing with this gate work! It’s like the energy is really moving through my body, and physically I’m experiencing the gas flowing through my body, and the feel good bubbles of release exiting…gas and pooping. I really LOVE pooping! It’s like ecstasy when a good release happens. Guess I could be doing some more anal breathing as well…( pg. 50 Power of Shakti by Padma Aon Prakasha)

I have experienced a fair amount of constipation in my life, (go figure, keeping everything bottled up in resistance will do that) so sometimes pooping for me is like an amazing meditation, or an orgasm!!! Don’t even for one moment pretend you are embarrassed or don’t know what I’m talking about – I will call you out in less that one second! It’s a real feeling, go ahead, enjoy it! Make it a joyful part of your day to have this release as many times a day as you can! If you are experiencing constipation, it means you are hanging on to a lot of shit inside of you…might want to take a look at that.

Speaking of releasing, the decision to close Blooms and Zooms has chemically transformed itself from fear to excitement within me! YIPPEE! As I tell people about closing, and offer my clients alternative solutions to their floral choices, the most common question people ask first is “What will you DO?” The answer is “NOTHING!!!”

That’s the point, I don’t HAVE to do anything! And neither do you. It is only because we THINK we do that to do lists are created. I am taking this time to open up space, to dissolve these perceptions I have placed upon myself, to get to a place of nothingness. It might be difficult to understand if you’re analyzing it with your mind. So lose the mind and life becomes simple!

The only thing I have to do is clear myself to find out the reason I am here. To get to my soul’s purpose and do nothing but live this. In the meantime, I am finding the practices on the path I am traveling to get there take up time. Making this my priority means that other things go bye-bye. Of course, there is still this physical reality to live in, and bills get paid, dishes get done and family gets fed, but my “spiritual” practices are no longer at the bottom of the list. There is no list!

Both Dakar and I were called to spend intimate time with friends today. Dakar felt honored that his friend would call him to open up and feel like he was in a safe place to share some intimate, life changing details, and Dakar was available to just be in a space of being open with his heart, and holding love for his friend to release.

I had a similar experience when a woman called me. She said she had a “mystical experience” after I physically touched her heart a few days before. She was so open and related that it was the first time she really felt like her heart was living her. It wasn’t just an organ in her body, but was this amazing life force that was breathing her, and she wanted to know how to sustain it, so her heart was living her everyday. Do the work!!!

I was honored and grateful for her to share this with me, and to be able to do the work myself so I can show up in this capacity for others. Gives another meaning to Service above Self that I was attracted to in Rotary. It doesn’t happen if you don’t do the work.

With this beautiful experience, she told me she had gone to see the Dali Lama a couple days earlier. From her perspective, he shared with thousands of people how much this life is an illusion. It is just an illusion of the mind and we are creating it all. He went on to share how his culture works hard to “train the mind”, to be forgiving, generous and always loving. If something is going wrong, turn the other cheek.

I am quite sure that there are layers and layers to what he was saying, and I wasn’t there. But it seems like “training the mind” is a very masculine way of being. If we are not the mind, then what is there to train? If one is taught to turn the other cheek, then the issues we don’t acknowledge will still be there, waiting for us, lurking behind every corner, growing into a large, growling monster until it is recognized. The only way through is to face the monster and transform (it) your perceptions about it. I have seen the greatest transformations occur within me only by working through my issues, not by avoiding them. 


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