Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ghosts of Rainbows Past

Day 24 ~ 10/24/10

As little as we slumbered last night, I actually feel more alive and awake today than I expected. Sometimes the energy flowering throughout my body has more of an energizing effect than the rejuvenation that I find in sleep! That or it’s due to the cold morning shower in the rain!

I have been writing consistently now for 24 days, and when I am done with a session, I don’t have a clue as to what I actually wrote. But I am finding if I don’t write, then I feel bottled up and stuck up with stagnating energy, waiting for an opportunity to seep out of me. If I don’t let it out it just explodes in a different direction, not necessarily compassionate to others. After it’s out though, I feel clean and clear, like I’ve just released a block from my wall.

I do, however, still feel like my writing is generally shallow, much of it being very analytical and coming from my mind. I know there is so much more depth do discover by diving within even more…I have not even begun to reach into the truest depths of my core…am I afraid of this? Or is it just not time to go there yet, more shedding of layers in conjunction with diving deeper, perhaps.

As my notebook slides off its perch and hits me in the throat, I feel as if it has just symbolically cut off my head! I feel in this moment that so many people – especially me – have issues around their throat charkas and speaking up because we have not been telling the truth for most of our (my) life. The truth has the potential of freedom, of keeping life so much simpler because it is just what is, no stories to make up around it, no lies to keep track of, no nothing.

The rain pouring down all night and all day just feels like it is washing so much away, things that I am offering up for surrender, not even knowing what they are, just knowing that I don’t need them anymore. 


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