Saturday, October 23, 2010

Full Moon Celebration

Day 22 ~ 10/22/10

I used to get really annoyed when the moon would come around and shine into our bedroom on her full moon cycles. The light was so bright, it would keep me awake for hours! The window isn’t very big, so we never bothered with curtains. Being stuck in my head for years I would get soooo grumpy if I didn’t get enough sleep.

Now I cherish the full moon and all her glory! She shines her magnificent beams straight onto our pillows, and we get to breathe her in every month, soaking her in, allowing all of her grace and beauty to engulf us whilst awake, and fully penetrate our cells while we are sleeping. How lucky are we? How many people have that opportunity? I'd love to live in a glass house during the winter (not very practical in the snow though) just so I could watch the weather, the rain, the snow, the clouds moving under the stars...

For a long time, I had no idea how deeply we are all connected we are to the moon and sun cycles. How appropriate then, 11 years ago when we moved in to our home, Dakar and I picked out a new bed. The only one we were drawn to had a glass sculpture of the moon and the sun on the head and foot boards, right in the center. He sleeps on the masculine right side of the bed, underneath the feminine moon, and I sleep on the left feminine side of the bed, underneath the masculine sun.

For a while, we switched, sleeping on the opposite sides. (It was more convenient for me to be on the side of the bed closest to the bathroom when I was pregnant!) We stayed like this for a few years, and so many things in our lives became unbalanced, like our poles were completely out of whack. I remember the day I made the decision to switch back a couple years ago. So many more issues became present in our lives, but they surfaced so we could become aware of them and move through them. Funny how a small thing like which side of the bed one sleeps on could make such a difference, but I really notice (along with all the work we are doing on ourselves) how much our lives seem to be dancing in harmony more, as we are consciously honoring the divine masculine and feminine within us as often as we can.

Tonight we co-created a full moon gathering of women and men to honor this harvest moon. Some friends came over and shared a potluck, and we experienced a meditation together, sounding mantras honoring la luna, sung by a good friend. Not everyone had experience with meditation, but that was perfectly okay – they were open to sharing and that is all that is necessary.

During the meditation, I was taken to a space of complete blackness, a vast space of nothingness. Slowly I saw everyone show up, and whether they knew it or not, there was an energetic connection between us all. I could see the light, and witness how ancient this connection is. Regardless of any physical knowledge, our bodies and souls inherently know what is going on. Our temples know what to do! It’s actually pretty simple, all we have to do is nothing. Just get out of the way and let our souls take over. (Sounds easy, right?)

Even though my eyes were closed, and the clouds were hiding her, I felt like the moon was right in front of me, shining her bright rays directly in my face, penetrating the whole of my body. Then I felt like she was engulfing me, swallowing me up so I was inside of her, touching her form from the inside, feeling her…mmmmm….for a while I was her, I felt like I became one with the moon, looking upon the earth and space all around me, feeling the power of giving radiance to all those open to receiving these rays of energy. This beautiful connection with Luna, to witness and really feel her in all her glory, to share and exchange this with others…what an honor, thank you for allowing me to share this space with you.

Who’s in for next month?


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