Day 20 ~ 10/20/10
Today is 10 20 20 10. Significant because there are 86,400 chances to live in the moment. 86,400 opportunities to feel alive. 86,400 seconds in this day to express gratitude for every breath in my body.
I don’t do much in the way of following politics. It came up for me today that our leaders are supposed to be a reflection of what the people they are representing really want. Seems like after elections, people take office and ultimately become corrupted on some level. There is much flip-flopping of opinions and very little to nothing gets accomplished, except to continue to destroy what little trust people have in the government in the first place.
Guess what? This is the perfect mirror of the people! How many of us are excited about getting a new job, then after a while change our opinions about it, then complain about it, sabotaging what we already have? Or relationship? Or children? Or almost everything else? As a whole, we the people are flip-floppy because we don’t really know what we want.
We give birth to new ideas in an old paradigm of programming, adding layers and layers of distractions, which leads to laziness, confusion, anger and a host of other emotions that don’t accomplish anything, except to keep us spinning around on our eternal hamster wheel. Same as politics, it is just an outside reflection of your world, if you take a good look inside yourself, you’ll see the exact same thing going on in your internal world.
I find politics to be an exhausting waste of time to follow. Watching people go over the same crap over and over and over again, never really getting anywhere. It continues to revolve around the same shallow subjects all the time, egos getting in the way of real accomplishment. But this is really an internal reflection as well. For me, I continue to go over the same crap in my life, living it over and over, layer after layer…noticing it’s more difficult for me when my ego gets in the way, and easier when I just surrender into being what is.
What can one do about it? In my experience, the answer is simple. I am not inclined to be a part of the government system, making a stink and running for office in any capacity, so the only thing I can do is change my perspective of how I view my world, and the whole world changes around me. It is when this change of perspective occurs that I am open to noticing different changes that are actually having an impact on the world…which could be completely different for me than it is for you.
Flip flop change your mind and a whole different garden of perspectives occur...!
Sometimes the best work on myself are the days I take time to really BE with my family. Along with calling people and listing my inventory for sale, dissolving more of Blooms and Zooms every day, we went to one of our favorite meadows this afternoon. There were patchy clouds and moments of really great sunshine to be appreciated.
I wonder how free my kids will be when they grow up, being in a family that is prone to walking around the house naked, and stripping down outside in nature whenever we can? At this point they think it’s funny that mom and dad like to be naked in the forest, but haven’t joined us yet. Ah…we’re doing what we can to make sure therapists have plenty of business when they grow up!
It just feels so good to have the sun penetrate parts of my body that have been hidden away from the world for years (in this lifetime, who know how many years in other lifetimes…probably centuries)! We watched as the kids created with just the materials of the forest. My son used a tree as a solid foundation in which to create his lean-to fort, with extra branches, and a space to crawl in, while our daughter chose to create a teepee in the open, figuring out how to balance the branches upon themselves to create stability in her structure. Both ways worked, and it was fascinating to watch each of them.
So many issues could be solved by allowing space for different opinions to surface. One way isn’t necessarily better or worse, than another, just different. Politics, government and people in general could learn a lot from watching all our children. Why must we get in the way? Why do we as a society have to place all these rules on our kids that are proven to not work and expect them to thrive as they grow up? Why can’t we just stay a child at heart, growing up and being conscious about it, but not stifling the imagination into a box that it doesn’t want to fit in? As a supposed “adult” we long to get back to this stage. I wonder if it’s because we were in too much of a hurry to get out of this stage, to grow up too quickly as kids?
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